AmigaOS3.5 (812/967)

From:Colin Wenzel
Date:24 May 2000 at 17:12:29
Subject:Re: HD Questions-Slightly OT

On 24-May-00, Kennedy, Bob wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I'm prepping an A3000 for OS 3.5 (the ROM's aren't in yet.) I found a
> used Maxtor MXT-540S half gig HD & tried to prep it on my OS 3.1
> A2000 with GVP Combo revision 4.4 SCSI controller. The drive data
> comes up nicely in the GVP prep software, but the drive seems write
> protected. I set up the partition and try to write the RDB, but
> nothing happens.

Don't mix your HDToolbox programs.
Pick 1 & stay with it..

I have heard that the GVP one is especially pedantic &
sets parameters that you really shouldn't need to play with.

That may be your trouble, try setting it up with the
v3.1 HDToolbox first, you can set the "gvpscsi.device"
in the tooltype or specify it on the command line via a shell.

Try that & see if it works.

> My local Amiga dealer recalls seeing some network
> boot HD's with a jumper for write protection. Is this a possibility?
> (BTW, the firmware claims that the drive is an IBM.)

I have not seen one yet, besides that, it is unlikely it
will have one as it actually needs to be written to
at some time & pulling the computer apart to do so
is not what I would call a nice option,
I believe there is a software parameter in the RBD that will
allow that, although I can't specifically remember seeing it.

Colin Wenzel. Australia.

ICQ: 17608330
AMIGA: 4000T, 68060/50, 150Mb RAM,
OS 3.5, EGS Spectrum.

Failed tests, classes skipped, forgotten locker combinations.
Remember the good 'ol days